Proverbs: The Virus That Needs Spreading

It is a fact that can’t be denied, discolored or questioned. For it’s simple. Even if we entertain the absurd and/or heartbreaking theory of our selves having been forged into automatons with little to no organic reasoning going on. It (the entire selection of sayings in Proverbs) can still be considered an owner’s manual..a handbook…an…

Either Avoid or get Away From the Black Bands

I took these photos a few weeks ago… A few days after that, a utility truck crashed into the front of my home. Where no news of the event made it into any paper and the “police report” pretty much called it a hit and run with no intention of investigation. Ah yes, and where…

Christ is a Condition, Not a Murdered Man. Call on It.

(NOTE: I wrote the original post days ago. If a shift in the mood is felt, it is because I spoke the following words to my child…in 2021…in America…Today “Honey, they are throwing human beings into concentration camps, worldwide.” After I updated him on today’s next phase update of this COVID reign of “silent” terror.)…